The Research Team
The research team is an inter-disciplinary group made up of experts of public administration and public management, labor and welfare policies, social innovation, statistics and methodology for social sciences.

Giorgia Nesti
Giorgia Nesti is Assistant Professor of Public Policy and European Multi-level Policies at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. Her research interests focus on public policy, local innovation, e-government, ICT policies and Gender studies. She is the scientific director of ‘URBES – Observatory on Urban Policies’ at the Centre for Regional Studies ‘Giorgio Lago’ of the University of Padova (with Matteo Bassoli).
Giorgia is the Principal Investigator of the POLBIS project and co-ordinates the WP1.
Giorgia is the Principal Investigator of the POLBIS project and co-ordinates the WP1.

Matteo Bassoli
Matteo Bassoli is Assistant Professor of Social and Political Research Methods and of Public Administration at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. His research interests focus on public policy and social inclusion, qualitative and quantitative methods (especially SNA). He is the scientific director of ‘URBES – Observatory on Urban Policies’ at the Centre for Regional Studies ‘Giorgio Lago’ of the University of Padova (with Giorgia Nesti).
Matteo co-ordinates WP3 and WP4.
Matteo co-ordinates WP3 and WP4.

Paolo Graziano
Paolo Graziano is Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova and Part-Time Professor (3/2019-2/2021) at the European University Institute in Florence. He is also Research Associate at the European Social Observatory and the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics of Sciences Po, Paris. He has held visiting positions at a number of international universities. He is the scientific director of ‘DANE – Observatory on Italian Democracy’ at the Centre for Regional Studies ‘Giorgio Lago’ of the University of Padua (with Marco Almagisti) and co-editor of the international journal Governance.
Paolo is a member of the POLBIS research team.
Paolo is a member of the POLBIS research team.

Marco Almagisti
Marco Almagisti is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. His research interests focus on political science, quality of democracy, political culture and populism. He is the scientific director of ‘DANE – Observatory on Italian Democracy’ at the Centre for Regional Studies ‘Giorgio Lago’ of the University of Padova (with Paolo R. Graziano) and co-chair of the Standing group ‘Politics and History’ of the Italian Society of Political Science.
Marco co-ordinates WP5.
Marco co-ordinates WP5.

Giuseppe Acconcia
Giuseppe Acconcia is Post-Doc researcher at the Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies of the University of Padova. He was visiting Scholar University of California (UCLA), Teaching Assistant at Bocconi University, and Lecturer at the Catholic University (Aseri). He holds a PhD at the University of London (Goldsmiths). He published with Padova University Press, FrancoAngeli, Social Movement Studies, Il Mulino, The International Spectator, The International Spectator, Policy Press, Edward Elgar and Palgrave.
Giuseppe is a member of the POLBIS research team.
Giuseppe is a member of the POLBIS research team.

Martina Visentin
Martina Visentin is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Policies at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. Her research interests focus on social innovation, digital welfare, youth studies and life transitions. She is member of the scientific committee of the Italian Sociology of Education Section of the Italian Sociology Association.
Martina is a member of the POLBIS research team.
Martina is a member of the POLBIS research team.

Stefano Campostrini
Stefano Campostrini is Professor of Methodology and Statistics for Social and Health policies at the Department of Economics at the University Ca’ Foscari Venice and Adjunct Professor at the Medical School of the University of Adelaide. He is the Director of the Governance and Social Innovation Centre at the Ca’ Foscari Foundation and Director of the Yunus Social Business Centre at Ca’ Foscari University. He chaired the IUHPE Global Working Group on Surveillance – WARFS.
Stefano is a member of the POLBIS research team.
Stefano is a member of the POLBIS research team.

Albert Meijer
Albert Meijer is Professor of Public Innovation at the Utrecht School of Governance, where he also teaches Public Management, Public Administration e Policy Sciences. He is member of the research group ‘Technological innovation and Public Management’ at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He is co-editor of the journal Information Polity.
Albert is a member of the POLBIS research team.
Albert is a member of the POLBIS research team.

Matilde Cittadini
Matilde Cittadini is Ph.D. student at IGOP – Institute for Govern and Pubic Policy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has a bachelor’s degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Bologna and a Master degree in European and Global Studies at the University of Padova.
Matilde participated in the project as a research intern.
Matilde participated in the project as a research intern.

Simona Colarusso
Simona Colarusso has a Ph.D. in Communication Research and Innovation (Sapienza). She was a research fellow at the University of Padua and at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome. She also worked for ministerial evaluation bodies.
Simona was a research fellow in the project Polbis.
Simona was a research fellow in the project Polbis.